Salmonellosis, natural history of disease

Keywords: Disease, natural history, prevention, salmonella, salmonelosis


The term "Natural history of the disease" refers to an evolutionary process of some illness from its beginning to its resolution or end, without there being any type of intervention that could alter it. Before, with the few scientific and medical advances that were available, it was easier to describe and understand the natural history of the disease of certain pathologies, which helped to analyze the process they follow and know how to intervene promptly to put an end to them. Therefore, in 1965, Leavell and Clark made a graphic model that takes into account the interaction of the host, agent, and environment, which at the same time were related to prevention levels.

In the Leavell and Clark model, the prepathogenic period is understood before the disease, where the relationship of the epidemiological chain exists. In the pathogenic period, the balance of the triad has been lost and discomfort has begun, including the subclinical phase (there are no signs or symptoms) and the clinical phase (the patient reports signs of being ill). The conclusion of this is that the organism in which the pathogen resides obtains a resolution of the problem, chronicity, sequelae, or loss of vitality.


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How to Cite
Alba-López, M., Jaramillo-Tovar, J. G., & Vásquez-Martínez, D. S. (2023). Salmonellosis, natural history of disease. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(20), 38-40.
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