Raytracing in the Palm of your Hand: Challenges and Opportunities in Mobile Video Game Development

Keywords: Graphics API's, Graphics evolution, Graphics engines, Game engine, Optimisasion, Raytracing, Mobile video games


In the last decade, mobile applications and games have undergone a significant evolution in their visualisation and handling of graphical elements, with ray tracing standing out as a revolutionary technique for rendering light and shadows in 3D environments, offering high realism now on mobile devices.

This article examines how the evolution of graphics engines such as Unity and Unreal, along with graphics APIs such as Vulkan and OpenGL, has facilitated the implementation of ray tracing. These technologies allow developers to manipulate 3D graphics more precisely, integrating ray tracing for immersive visual experiences.

However, the adoption of ray tracing in mobile visualisation faces several challenges, especially in optimisation and power consumption of mobile devices. We explore these challenges and analyse strategies implemented by the industry to overcome them, discuss examples of successful implementations, optimisation tools and possible future developments to improve the capabilities of ray tracing on mobile devices.


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How to Cite
Cabello-Carranza, A. Y., & Domínguez Jiménez, I. (2024). Raytracing in the Palm of your Hand: Challenges and Opportunities in Mobile Video Game Development . XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(24), 45-53. https://doi.org/10.29057/xikua.v12i24.12724