Technological architecture for the implementation of a cloud-based ERP system (Odoo ERP) for supply chain management in a microenterprise in the State of Morelos

Keywords: Odoo ERP, Infraestructure as a Service, Containers as a Service, Docker, microenterprise, cloud computing


This article proposes and describes a technological architecture that helps to implement the Odoo ERP system, based mainly on the cloud service model, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), coupled with the use of containers (Containers as a Service), using the Docker platform, as well as the tools that this platform provides for application management. The system is expected to help manage and track the activities performed at each stage of the mealworm cultivation cycle and the subsequent production. Proper supply chain management is important due to the nature of the production, processing and distribution of these products.


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How to Cite
Andrea Malpica, M. G., Ontiveros Hernández , N. J., Higareda Pliego , T. E., Peña Ramírez, J. A., Espinoza Salgado , S., & Arana Llanes, J. Y. (2024). Technological architecture for the implementation of a cloud-based ERP system (Odoo ERP) for supply chain management in a microenterprise in the State of Morelos. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(24), 66-72.