Stress Mitigation Through Serious Games in Mobile Apps: Experimental Research Design

Keywords: Stress, Distréss, Biofeedback, Sensors


At present, the rhythm of daily life has undergone great changes, this given the growth of cities, as well as economic issues and even diseases, causing the existence and increase of perceived stress in people.

This has caused great havoc in the general population, creating the existence of other medical conditions such as: cardiovascular problems, nervousness, anger, depression, among others, which require to be treated and therefore generate high economic and health costs, generating more stress.

This research has identified the existence of two types of stress, distréss that is perceived as destructive, characterized by the existence of anger and aggression, being harmful to health. On the other hand, eustréss, also called good stress, which is cognitive and helps people to be alert and motivated.

Therefore, this document shows the design of the experimental research that proposes to carry out the development of a computational platform of serious game type, proposing different activities that help detect distréss using new technologies.

In addition to detection, it is intended to help mitigate the existence of distréss, detecting it and displaying alerts through the app, as well as giving suggestions for relaxation activities validated by the areas of health sciences.


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How to Cite
Arana-Llanes, J. Y., Higareda Pliego, T. E., Alejandres Sánchez, H. O., Guerrero González, J. I., Matuz Cruz, M. de J., & Sánchez Bautísta, G. (2024). Stress Mitigation Through Serious Games in Mobile Apps: Experimental Research Design. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(Especial), 129-134.