Mobile application to request orders in a neighbourhood store

Keywords: Software development, On-line shop, Mobile Applications, Android, Firebase


Nowadays, the use of mobile devices has become an essential tool to increase productivity and the development of daily activities. The above was enhanced because of the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing society to stay at home, greatly affecting daily tasks, including purchasing groceries or necessary items for the home. At the same time, shopkeepers had to adapt to this situation by looking for alternatives to serve their customers and provide continuity to their businesses, resorting to applications such as WhatsApp or electronic means, although not all of them managed to develop this type of skills, which led too many would be affected.

As an alternative to respond to this situation, this article describes the proposal of an application for the management of orders in neighborhood stores, with which a way can be provided to customers to contact and request their products and to the shopkeepers. a free access tool for managing customers, products and orders. For this, the use of Technologies such as: Android Studio and Firebase is proposed.


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How to Cite
Vega Oñate , A. F., Pinzón Nuñez, S. A., & Vanegas, C. A. (2024). Mobile application to request orders in a neighbourhood store. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(Especial), 135-139.