Identification of organizational management tasks in the light of the university social responsibility

Keywords: University Social Responsibility, Self-diagnosis, Organizational Management


The objective was to identify the elements of the work of an educational institution in the area of organizational management impact, in order to fulfill the purpose in the context of University Social Responsibility, the method was that of documentary review of descriptive and exploratory type, for this we proceeded to consult and analyze the self-diagnosis Matrix URSULA (Latin American University Social Responsibility Unit), PRME (Principles for Responsible Education in Management and the Rubric of the distinctive of University Social Responsibility by ANFECA, as well as ISO 21001: 2018 Management Systems for Educational Organizations. Among the main results we found the acknowledgement that there are several tools for self-diagnosis of RSU and that their application is feasible, so we conclude on the importance of working through indicators that allow continuous improvement and generate positive impacts on the management of the institution.


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Unión de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria Latinoamericana. (2016). Matriz de autodiagnóstico RSU - URSULA 2021. Español. Recuperado de:

Asociación Nacional de Facultades y Escuelas de Contaduría y Administración (ANFECA), (2018). Formato para el llenado del autodiagnóstico y plan de mejora.xlsx, para la obtención del distintivo de responsabilidad social universitaria.

Gómez Pugarín, D., Guevara, G., Yepes López, G., Martí Noguera, J. y Díaz Cáceres, N. (2018). Sistema de Indicadores de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria para el Informe de Progreso - PRME. Colombia: Corporación Red Local del pacto Global en Colombia

Organización Internacional de Normalización ISO. ISO 21001:2018. Organizaciones educativas. Sistemas de gestión para las organizaciones educativas. Requisitos con orientación para su uso. Ginebra, Suiza: Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO); 2018.

How to Cite
Velázquez-Velázquez, S. C., & Carlson Morales, C. (2021). Identification of organizational management tasks in the light of the university social responsibility. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 9(18), 36-38.
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