The faces of homosexuality, a look from the stage

Keywords: Homosexuality, sex, sexuality, generic preference, gender


Homosexuality and other expressions of non-reproductive sexuality or peripheral sexualities have been the subject of many speculations and controversies. Throughout history, homosexuality has been seen from different perspectives, depending on the historical moment, responding in very different ways to the context and feeling of the time. For some, it is a deviation, a personality disorder, a psychopathology, a lifestyle, a transgression of the imposition of the heteronormative model, a question of fashion, a search for new experiences, among other concepts. Homosexuality is the greatest attraction to relate affectively and erotically towards people of the same gender. The element that defines preference is attraction, which does not refer exclusively to sexual and erotic attraction, but also to the simple and everyday fact that human beings, when faced with a mixed group of people, will focus their attention on individuals of a single genre in particular, based on the essential element of attraction. Thus, it is more appropriate and descriptive to speak of gender preference instead of the name of sexual preference or sexual orientation.  Faced with the generalized practice of including all non-heterosexual sexual behavior within the homosexual perspective, it should be noted that the homosexual reality, like the heterosexual, is very complex. For this reason, we should not talk about homosexuality but about homosexual people, with different histories, contexts and life experiences.


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How to Cite
Camacho-y López, S. M. (2022). The faces of homosexuality, a look from the stage. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 10(19), 47-50.