Cannabis Use in High School Students and Impact on Academic Performance

Keywords: Cannabis, academic performance, consumption, high school


Cannabis use in adolescents has been related to the academic performance of students, the prevalence of its use has increased at an early age, this project aims to evaluate the negative impact in all spheres that encompass academic performance in high school students. Methodology: it is a non-experimental, cross-sectional study, applying a descriptive mixed qualitative instrument, the sample is made up of a population of 30 third-semester students between 14 and 18 years of age in a high school in the City of Pachuca Hgo. in the period January-June 2021. Results: according to the data collection instrument developed by the main researchers of this study, it is indicated that the male gender predominates in the consumption of cannabis; 11 of those surveyed are women and 19 men. At the end of the data collection of the surveys, 53.5% was obtained had a negative impact on school performance, and the abuse of this substance is common in high school students with 60.7%. Conclusion: cannabis use could affect school performance, and its constant use can affect the consumer's health in the social sphere.


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How to Cite
Morales-Reyes, F. N., Chew-Montiel, I. D., Arias-Rico, J., & Barrera-Gálvez, R. (2022). Cannabis Use in High School Students and Impact on Academic Performance. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 11(21), 92-96.