Validation proposal by expert judges of a cognitive-behavioural intervention for primary caregivers of cancer patients

Keywords: cancer, primary caregiver, quality of life, coping strategies, cognitive behavoioural intervention, validation


The incidence and prevalence of chronic-degenerative diseases (which demand constant care) such as cancer, has increased in recent years, and therefore, there has also been an increase in the number of informal caregivers When talking about informal care, in many cases, it is only one person (usually a relative) who is responsible for meeting the needs of the patient and who is called primary caregiver. However, the demands of such work can have negative consequences at a physical, psychosocial and cognitive level, dimensions of Quality of Life Related to Health (HRQoL). It is worth mentioning that the experience, good or bad, of each caregiver is different in each case, since there are several factors that influence their quality of life throughout the care process, including the coping strategies they have. Objective: To develop and validate by expert judges a cognitive-behavioural intervention to increase the level of quality of life and develop adaptive coping strategies in primary caregivers of cancer patients. Method: through a non-probabilistic sample for convenience with a probable sample of 15 expert judges. The type of study is descriptive with a non experimental, transversal design. The instrument to be used will be a questionnaire of expert judges. Expected results: In general, it is expected that the intervention will be adequate for this type of population, that it is designed to meet the stated objectives and that it meets the determined ethical criteria.


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How to Cite
Salinas Ríos, K., Valencia Ortiz, A. I., García Cruz, R., & Gil Bernal, F. M. E. (2019). Validation proposal by expert judges of a cognitive-behavioural intervention for primary caregivers of cancer patients. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(15), 144-150.