The chilies that give flavor to the world

Keywords: Chili, Mexico, food, diversity


This literary work encompasses various aspects of chili and the elements that make it become food
heritage, highlighting that its popular consumption goes beyond flavor, encompassing cultural, historical,
gastronomic, biological and emotional aspects. It allows people and strangers to marvel at the great
diversity of chili peppers in Mexico, explaining through their chapters, which have been written by 21
authors, therefore, expresses versatility of opinion and at the same time union of ideas about this


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Author Biography

Edú Ortega Ibarra, Universidad del Istmo

PhD in Education Candidate. Master in Food and Nutrition Security. Specialty in Education. Bachelor in Nutrition. Research Professor and Head of Faculty.


Aguilar-Meléndez, A., Vásquez, M. A., Katz, E., & Colorado, M. R. H. (2018). Los chiles que le dan sabor al mundo. Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial. 318 páginas. ISBN: 9786075026992

How to Cite
Celaya Mijangos , M. S., & Ortega Ibarra, E. (2020). The chilies that give flavor to the world. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(17), 60-61.