Role of oxidative stress in SAR-coV-2 infection, and use of antioxidants as a prevention mechanism

Keywords: Antioxidants, COVID-19, Epigenom, ACE2 protein


The pandemic caused by COVID-19, is seriously affecting the economy, social life and physical and mental health of all the world, mainly of people who have some pathology where oxidative stress is involved. Therefore, the objective of this document is to make a review the literature on the role of oxidative stress in SAR-coV-2 infection, in order to propose a possible treatment to prevent infections by this new virus. Because it is a new disease every day new information appears, so an analysis of the bibliographic evidence available on the Internet was made by consulting PubMed, Google Academic and Google. Taking, only the information that had academic support. The analysis of the information revealed that oxidative stress is involved in the infection processes, because through an epigenetic mechanism, it promotes the expression of the ACE2 protein, which is the key for the virus to infect the cell. Once the virus has invaded the cell, it increases the oxidative state, damaging cellular structures and functions, resulting in apoptosis and irreversibly damaging tissues. Therefore, the use of antioxidants has been proposed to prevent viral infection. We conclude that a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can strengthen the immune system and provide the antioxidants necessary to prevent COVID-19.


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How to Cite
Bautista-Leon, M. R., Alanís-García, E., Cruz Cansino, N. del S., & Delgado, L. (2021). Role of oxidative stress in SAR-coV-2 infection, and use of antioxidants as a prevention mechanism. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(18), 232-237.