Overview of Organ Donation
Organ and tissue donation is defined as the transfer of human cells, tissues and organs from a donor to a recipient; it is the only therapeutic option that helps to improve the quality of life and prevent the death of people with tissue or organ failure. However, this process is hampered due to the discrepancy between organ supply and demand worldwide, which increases clinical deterioration and mortality rates on the waiting list of patients with chronic or acute multi-organ failure. The aim of this article is to provide relevant information about the process of organ and tissue donation, highlighting the importance of understanding the process, providing information to the general population, with emphasis on essential groups for its dissemination, mainly health professionals who have the ability to positively influence society's perception of this issue by providing health education during primary care, This is the first contact and an important link in the attention of the potential donor, considering medical units as the closest source of information due to recurrent access, and not least children and young people, as it has been shown that this action increases the acceptance rate, turning this section of the population into agents of social change, generating with this manuscript, a positive impact on the perception and understanding of the subject for society, seeking to increase the availability of donors.
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