Guide for Authors
Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA is an open access online journal of the Academic Area of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences (ICSA) of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA is a biannual journal, published at the beginning of each period (January and July).
This journal aims at publishing all the latest important developments in health sciences in the areas of experimental, clinical and epidemiological research. The journal covers a very wide range of different disciplines:
About the audience. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA is a resource that offers all health science readers (basic and clinical researchers, clinical and non-clinical people, and all health science students) access to up-to-date information on the different related disciplines. As an open access journal, all readers have unrestricted access to all publications.
Published research articles, review articles, and case studies are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA accepts original and unpublished articles which must not have been previously published in other journals. The journal welcomes submissions of manuscripts from researchers at all levels of the health sciences and from around the world.
All manuscripts are published under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode), which allows the unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction of the material, without commercial purposes, in any medium, provided that the work is properly cited. The main publication format of the journal is PDF. No payment is required from authors to publish their manuscripts in the journal.
Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA is indexed in the institutional index, Google Scholar, BASE, PKP Index, REDIB, MIAR, and Latindex Catálogo 2.0.
Human and animal rights
Ethical principles for publication occur to guarantee high-quality basic or clinical scientific publications in the health sciences, public trust in scientific findings, and to protect the right of the subjects in investigation. If photographs of patients are included, all photographs must be accompanied by signed letters or official letters from the patient or family members, and/or have all recognizable features or characteristics masked or covered. Manuscripts reporting on the results of experimental investigation on human subjects must include a statement that informed consent was obtained after the procedure was fully explained and approval given to the study by the Human Studies Review Committee, or equivalent committee, at the main institution. It should also be stated whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration. Reports on experiments on animals should indicate whether the institutions or the National Research Council's guide for, or any national law on, the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.
Ethics in publishing
All the manuscripts must be original material. The journal uses an institutional software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Articles with suspected plagiarism will be returned to the authors for correction. Duplicate manuscript, data fabrication and/or falsification will be returned to the authors for correction.
All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research of the manuscript and approved all its claims. It is important to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution, including students and laboratory technicians.
Submission and Peer Review
All new manuscripts must be submitted through the journal's website: https://repository.uaeh.edu.mx/revistas/index.php/MJMR/. Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors are requested to send text, tables and graphic material in electronic format (such as a Word format) to this address. In an accompanying letter, authors should state that the manuscript, or parts of it, have not been and will not be submitted elsewhere for publication and that they are not currently being considered by another journal or any other publisher. The submitting author (corresponding author) is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript has been approved for publication by all other co-authors. It is also the authors' responsibility to ensure that articles from a particular institution are submitted with the necessary institutional approval.
Submission items include a cover letter (saved as a separate file for uploading), the manuscript (including title page, abstract, keywords, manuscript text, references and table/figure legends), tables and figures. The preferred order of files is as follows: cover letter, manuscript file(s), table(s) and figure(s).
The cover letter should include a statement of conflict of interest for all authors. Please indicate the absence of conflict (i.e., nothing to disclose) or list potential conflicts for each named author. Conflicts of interest include financial or other type of relationships that could be perceived as influencing the manuscript.
All correspondence, including the Editor's decision and request for revisions, will be by e-mail or in electronic format. Previously published tables and illustrations must be properly referenced, and written permission from the copyright holders must be included in the manuscript.
Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA has an eminent editorial board of 15 members, all recognized experts in their field. Peer review is the critical evaluation of manuscripts submitted to our journal by experts who are not part of the editorial team. All papers submitted to Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA are subject to an initial review by the Editor and an expert researcher on the editorial board. After that, the article is sent for peer review by independent external reviewers.
After acceptance. Manuscripts accepted for publication are typeset and proofs are sent to authors for correction before final publication. The authors must review the proofs and return them within 48 hours.
Original research articles, review articles, and clinical cases should be less than 10,000 words in length. The word count includes citations but excludes the abstract, keywords, references, figures and tables.
Original Research articles
Manuscripts should be written double-spaced with margins of at least 1 inch. The manuscript should include the following in this order: Cover page, Structured Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. Number the pages consecutively, starting with the Cover Page.
Journals manuscripts
Book chapters
Review articles
A review article is expected to provide an abstract and/or a synthesis of the findings of a selection of research contributions being published by many other authors. Review articles may be non-systematic, systematic, critical reviews, book reviews, strategic technical reviews, etc. Manuscripts should follow some of the general specifications of the original research articles. The manuscript should include the following in this order: Title page, Structured abstract and keywords, Introduction, body of the manuscript (with subsections, tables and figures), Conclusions, and References. Number the pages consecutively, starting with the Cover Page.
Clinical Case
Clinical case or case study denotes the collection and demonstration of detailed evidence about a particular participant (patient) or small group (patients). These items are a form of qualitative descriptive research. This research concludes only that participant or group and only in that specific context. Manuscripts should follow some of the general specifications of the original research articles. The clinical case should include the following in this order: Title page, Structured Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, presentation of the case(s) (with subsections, tables, figures and photographs), Discussion, Conclusions and References. Number the pages consecutively, starting from the Cover Page.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Use only standard abbreviations; using non-standard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. The spelled abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parentheses should be used at the first mention, unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement.
Opinions, studies, analysis, results, products, videos, audios and conclusions presented in the journal have a scientific and/or teaching aim. Not necessarily represent the views, policies or particular theoretical adhesion of the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, UAEH, its academic units, departments or staff. The statements in the journal are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
Although, the UAEH has an international commitment to the dissemination of knowledge and the contents of the journal can be exploited for this purpose, but it should be noted that the journal was designed to be used by certified professionals but being supervised by themselves because who have the skills and abilities needed to exercise and practice teaching or scientific legal exercise. The UAEH and staff assume no national or international legal responsibility for using the journal, or assume any national or international legal responsibility for damages that may be caused or incurred by your use of the journal contents in academic contexts under supervision of certified professionals, even, in any other context. Thus, you expressly exclude the UAEH and staff from all statutory liability.
It’s understood and agreed by you that the hypothesis, theories, assumptions, conclusions, and in general, all academic or scientific issues of the journal have been made being aware of the time discipline status in which it was made. As the UAEH and staff assume no responsibility for changes, developments, progress and updates of sciences, disciplines and theories to overcome, improve or correct what at a given time has been presented in the journal. It is your obligation, without liability for UAEH, to check the current state of science, or compare, confirm and/or prove the scientific or educational relevance and timeliness of each journal’s content.
The personal or identity data that appear or may appear only have been considered for the purpose of making a scientific and/or educational building of the journal and according to the authors work. It is understood that using this information is allowed by the right holders without responsibility for UAEH and the terms of this journal. You as user have no right to dispose of those data or have the images and data from the people featured in the journal, unless used for legal purposes of reference, mention, work or academic citation.
Since the journal contents are regulated by scientific, academic and applicable teaching rules, they may be seen views, descriptions, images, videos and audios related to the human body, study, treatment and national and international legal controls in human and nonhuman beings. In all cases, the journal has been made with absolute respect for the dignity of living beings and within the parameters of accepted scientific rigor in higher education institutions. However, the scientific construction of the journal does not have to be or intend to be associated with any private ethics or personal construction that you as a user may have. If you find that contents don’t correspond to your personal, group or social thinking (including ethical) or find it offensive or contrary to your customs, you are quite free to not use the contents or to stop seeing images, video, audio or descriptions. The UAEH assumes no national or international legal responsibility for this. You acknowledge and agree, with express exclusion of the UAEH liability, that just using and/or refer to this journal implies access levels of scientific or teaching explanation where it can be dealt the knowledge of life, society, human body, and the nonhuman living beings in a scientific and/or teaching way. This scientific explanation could not match your private ethics or personal opinions.
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Received - Accepted