Diferencia clínica y Calidad de vida, entre Hilano GF- 20 vs corticoesteroide intra-articular en pacientes con osteoartrosis de rodilla

Keywords: osteoarthrosis, infiltration, pain, functionality


BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a combination of mechanical and biological factors, alters the articular cartilage, subchondral bone, joint capsule and structures near the joint. Knee OA accounts for up to 80% of OA cases. At the ISSSTE Pachuca Hospital, Dr. Rivera Columba O., knee OA is the second cause of attention of the traumatology and orthopedics service

OBJECTIVE: to show the difference in clinical response and improvement in quality of life between intra-articular use of Hilanum GF-20 and corticosteroid, both part of the basic picture of the ISSSTE

MATERIAL AND METHODS: study that was carried out with a total of 220 patients, first group 140 patients receive Hilano GF-20 three doses, second group 80 patient receives single dose of corticosteroid, WOMAC questionnaire (Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index Score) was performed before and after treatment to assess pain, stiffness and functionality.

RESULTS: in this study, improvement in stiffness and functionality was observed with the use of Hilanum GF-20, in pain control advantageous corticosteroid, however hardly achieved sustained analgesic effect above 3 months.

CONCLUSIONS: In this study it was demonstrated that the Hilanum GF-20 and intraarticular corticosteroids, when used in knee osteoarthritis represent a clinical improvement, in this way we can take resources provided by the institutions in which we work to offer a suitable treatment for this type of patients


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How to Cite
Claro-Hernández, J. C., Flores-Hernández, J. E., & Mora-Ríos, F. G. (2024). Diferencia clínica y Calidad de vida, entre Hilano GF- 20 vs corticoesteroide intra-articular en pacientes con osteoartrosis de rodilla. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 12(24), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.29057/mjmr.v12i24.12056