Exploring In Vitro Models: Advances and Challenges in Human Respiratory Tract Research
In recent years, there has been a concerted effort to develop in vivo and ex vivo models that replicate the histology, physiology, and pathology of human airways, but their translation to human applications has posed significant challenges. Ethical concerns regarding the number of animals required for efficacy and safety assessments remain a critical issue. As an alternative, in vitro models have gained prominence, aiming to emulate human tissue characteristics. They offer promising correlations with human tissue, providing a more ethical, cost-effective, and rapid approach for reproducible results. In vitro models present an opportunity to reduce reliance on animal testing while offering a controlled environment that better elucidates cell-cell interactions compared to ex vivo models. However, challenges persist. The lack of standardized methodologies, protocols, and validated approaches hinders the reliability and widespread adoption of these in vitro models. Addressing these hurdles is essential to ensure the accuracy and credibility of results derived from these systems.
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