The role of dietary supplements in the treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea: Vitamin D3 and Zinc
Dysmenorrhea is defined as “painful menstruation”. Two types of dysmenorrhea are known: primary, which occurs in the absence of any gynecological disease, and secondary, which is associated with an underlying pathology. Primary dysmenorrhea typically occurs approximately 6 months after menarche. Approximately 16% to 81% of women of childbearing age experience primary dysmenorrhea, with 2% to 29% reporting moderate to severe intensity.
The treatment of primary dysmenorrhea focuses on pain relief. However, supplements such as Vitamin D3 and Zinc should be considered. Vitamin D3 inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, while zinc also inhibits its synthesis, thereby improving uterine microcirculation and reducing the intensity of uterine contractions. It is important to note that not only pharmacological treatment should be considered, but also lifestyle changes that promote maximum physical and emotional well-being to reduce the consumption of analgesics and achieve control or remission of the underlying pathology.
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