Relationship of physical function and body composition to suicidal ideation in the elderly: A Systematic Review
In this study, a systematic review was conducted to examine suicidal ideation in older adults in relation to physical function and body composition in older men and women aged 60 years and older. Articles published between January 2013 and September 2023 were identified using the keywords suicidal ideation, physical function, and body composition, written in English. The search was conducted if they were empirical papers, published in scientific journals, written in English or Spanish language and that evaluated the relationship between suicidal ideation, physical function and body composition in older adults. Eighteen cross-sectional studies and one clinical trial met the eligibility criteria. Most were conducted in South Korea. The relationship between suicidal ideation, physical function in older adults was positive and significant in men, but not in women. On the other hand, the relationship between body composition resulting from body mass index (BMI) and suicidal ideation was not shown to be a significant predictor. This study provided valuable information on the importance of preventing the loss of physical function, such as gait speed, muscle strength, and basic activities of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), in preventing suicidal ideation in older adults. This finding is important because physical function can be treated or mediated by therapeutic interventions.
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