Contextual therapies for the intervention of anxiety and depression in adults

Keywords: Anxiety, depression, contextual therapies, third generation therapies, adults


According to the World Health Organization there are about 264,000,000 cases of anxiety disorders. In Latin America, depression is the second most common mental disorder, and in its most severe form, it can lead to suicide. In addition, adulthood is a stage where significant events occur, as well as the search for autonomy. Although the efficacy of different psychological treatments in adults with anxiety disorders and depression has been demonstrated, there is a growing interest in the available evidence of the components and techniques of third generation therapies in this population. Therefore, a narrative review of interventions based on contextual therapies (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, Behavioral Activation, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Functional Analytic Therapy) was carried out to know their effectiveness in the treatment of anxiety and depression in adults


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How to Cite
Butrón Islas, T. (2024). Contextual therapies for the intervention of anxiety and depression in adults. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 12(24), 78-88.