Risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis of nosocomial origin in patients at a Mexican Hospital

  • Georgina Romo-Hernández Hospital del Niño DIF
  • Marco A. Escamilla-Acosta Hospital del Niño DIF
  • Agustín Pérez-García Hospital del Niño DIF
  • Irma A. Espinosa-Oropeza Hospital del Niño DIF
Keywords: Newborn; Nosocomial Sepsis; Risk Factors.


Nosocomial neonatal sepsis (NNS) is one of the principal causes of childhood morbidity and mortality and has a large impact on public health. Therefore, our objective was to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with NNS in patients at Hospital del Niño DIF Hidalgo (Children’s Hospital, Hidalgo DIF). A retrospective case-control study was carried out by reviewing the medical records of 29 cases and 62 controls. The relative risk and odds ratio were calculated, and the Chi-squared test was used. The prevalence of NNS was found to be 13.6%. The statistically significant risk factors for NNS in premature infants were the male gender, the use of histamine H2 receptor blockers, a birth weight <1500 g, and an Apgar score <6. In full-term patients, the risk factors were respiratory insufficiency and anemia. The common risk factors in both groups were ventilatory assistance, presence of a central line, total parenteral nutrition, >7 days of antibiotic use, and presence of a bladder catheter. We found that the prevalence and risk factors in this study are similar to those reported in medical literature.


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How to Cite
Romo-Hernández, G., Escamilla-Acosta, M. A., Pérez-García, A., & Espinosa-Oropeza, I. A. (2012). Risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis of nosocomial origin in patients at a Mexican Hospital. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.29057/mjmr.v1i1.1750

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