Prevalence and Association between Depression and Familiar Dysfunction
Family dysfunction originates psychosocial problems and a high demand of health services. Depression, a multi-factor disease, has individual and social aspects that depend each other, forming a vicious circle. It may be possible to find an association between family dysfunction and depression. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and the degree of association between depression and family dysfunction, in patients attending to the outpatients’ clinic of Family Medicine at Pachuca, Hidalgo. A cross-sectional and comparative study was completed, from October 2007 to January 2008, with patients attending the outpatients’ clinic of Family Medicine in Pachuca, Hidalgo, whom agreed to answer the tests: Zung, FASES, Family APGAR and Holmes. The statistical parameters, prevalence and Odds Ratio were obtained. X2 test was applied with a confidence interval of 95%, a p<0.05 value was considered significant. One hundred fifty-five women and 100 men were included, with a mean age 34.4 ± 12.9 years. Zung test for depression showed a prevalence of 34.9%, wherein 83.1% corresponded to slight depression, 14.7% to moderate depression and 2.2% to severe depression. FASES showed 53.3% of families in the medium range. Whereas Family APGAR demonstrated a 54.1% of functional families and the test of Holmes reported 47.1% without problems and 24.7% with moderate crisis. There were no significant differences in age, occupation and gender, neither association between depression and familiar dysfunction. It is concluded that 34.9% showed some degree of depression, which varied from dysthymia to severe depression. It is suggested to carry out screening programs and to provide an early treatment.
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