Rejection of a contraceptive method during the immediate postpartum period in adolescent patients
Adolescents generally have little information on the correct use of contraception and fertility, increasing the risk of pregnancy. The aim of this study was to determine why adolescents do not accept contraception during the immediate postpartum period. Adolescent patients included presented 12 to 19 years old, who signed the letter of informed consent, they were in immediate postpartum, post-abortion (implemented curettage, manual vacuum aspiration) or pot-cesarean section and who did not accept the use of a contraceptive method. A total of 148 patients with a mean ± SEM age of 17.3 ± 1.3 years were included. Only 107 (90.7%) of the patients had prenatal care, and only 77 (72%) of the patients were guided about the contraceptive methods that could be used in the immediate postpartum period. The 3 main reasons to reject contraception were: ignorance about contraception that she can use (n = 26; 22%), the couple will use birth control (n = 16; 13.6%) and she has no partner (n = 12; 10.2%). In conclusion, we observed that most teens do not use contraception, mainly due to lack of information or by leaving the responsibility to their partner.
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