Self-Management as an Integral Method of Attention in the Treatment of the Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease

  • María José Vázquez-Atanacio Hospital General, Pachuca de Soto
Keywords: Interculturality, Health, Indigenous, Inclusion, Public policy


Currently, the health care methods for chronic diseases are leaving behind the paternalism and the doctor-patient relationship, giving way to a new model, in which people with any chronic disease play an important role in their own health care with the support of the health care provider, this is called self-management. An important aspect of the self-management of diseases is the determination and elaboration of specific strategies in the patient´s empowerment through knowledge, in order to face all the challenges and demands of living with this disease.


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How to Cite
Vázquez-Atanacio, M. J. (2018). Self-Management as an Integral Method of Attention in the Treatment of the Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 6(12).

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