Different Clinical Practice in Hemodialysis in Mexico and Colombia

  • Nelly Patricia Calderón- Rodríguez Clínica renal RTS Villavicencio-Colombia
Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, clinical practice in haemodialysis, Mexico, Colombia


Chronic kidney disease is the structural or functional damage of the kidneys for more than three months and is considered a public health problem, since one out of every ten adults suffer from; the hemodialysis is a therapeutic modality that replaces kidney function (excretion of waste products, regulation of water balance and regulation of the acid-base balance) improving the quality and years of life in patients with chronic kidney disease. However, clinical practices used (dialyzers, duration of hemodialysis sessions, vascular access and health personnel) vary in each country, which has an impact on the quality of life and patient mortality. Objective: To describe the differences in the reuse of dialyzers, duration of hemodialysis sessions, goals for the type of vascular access used and the health personnel who are in each renal unit, from the rules, between Mexico and Colombia. Conclusions: The differences that exist in clinical practices of hemodialysis between Mexico and Colombia are given from the health standards, however, it is necessary reinforce aspects in the both countries to provide better care for patients with chronic kidney disease.


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How to Cite
Calderón- Rodríguez, N. P. (2019). Different Clinical Practice in Hemodialysis in Mexico and Colombia. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 7(14), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.29057/mjmr.v7i14.3831

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