Depression in old age and its impact on public health in Mexico
Depression is a major public health problem since it is a disease that affects a significant percentage of the world population where various stressful situations motivate the understanding of emotions to be a subject with a wide variety of options due to the type of characteristics which belongs. This is defined as a frequent mental disorder characterized by the presence of sadness, loss of interest, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, sleep disturbances or lack of appetite. Depression in people over 65 years has a high prevalence and produces a negative impact on the quality of life, it is represented in various ways because its etiology can only be explained by resorting to various biological and psychosocial mechanisms that coexist in the individual. The prognosis is generally poor, because this disorder in older adults presents greater relapses and higher mortality than in people of other ages. Several studies have shown that the most appropriate treatment for depression is one that combines resilient behavioral psychotherapy. The objective of the present review is to analyse the magnitude and social impact of depression, as well as to explore models that allow a better understanding of the strategies needed for their attention, thereby raising the level of knowledge about this condition through the deepening of the subject, emphasizing avoiding the inappropriate indication of psychotropic drugs due to the serious complications that may occur since a greater understanding of the problem will allow an early diagnosis and an opportune treatment.
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