Evidence of the hypoglycemic capacity of some natural products for the alternative treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is characterized by the chronic presence of blood glucose levels caused by a defect in the secretion of insulin or in the action of this hormone in the body which must be treated integrally with a multidisciplinary approach. The natural treatment of this disease is a common practice around the world, especially in Latin America, there are several clinical studies, in vivo or in vitro assays that focus on assessing the hypoglycemic capacity of various natural products used empirically by the population for years for the phytotherapeutic treatment of the disease as well as the chemicals related to the mechanism of action that produces the hypoglycaemic effect. In the present article, a brief review of the evidence of the hypoglycemic capacity of some natural products for the alternative treatment of diabetes mellitus 2
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