Effects of the inhalation of particulate matter in the central nervous system
The most common pollutant of the air that surrounds us in the atmosphere is Particulate Material (PM), which is a heterogeneous mixture suspended as aerosol droplets we breathe. Studies in animals and humans, indicate that this particulate material can pass from the upper respiratory tract and reach the brain through the olfactory nerve, or reach the lungs and pass into the bloodstream and affect other organs or coagulation mechanisms, what can cause vascular accidents, heart attacks, chronic lung diseases or cancer. In developing countries in 2012 there were a total of 7.3 million deaths associated with environmental causes; and of them, most are attributed to air pollution specifically.Upon reaching the brain, the particulate material produces molecular, cellular, histological and pathophysiological alterations that can lead to the exposed individual having the risk of seeing their cognitive functions affected and if this progresses, develop dementia. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer's Disease, which constitute a major public health problem. The objective of this research is to carry out a search of studies in animals and in people about the negative effects of the inhalation of particulate material on the brain and its functions, and the possibility of reaching degenerative states such as dementia.
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