Actions to prevent obesity and promote good health in adolescents enrolled in a rural Mexican High School.
Currently the investigation carried out in the physiology of exercise has produced new discoveries about the effect of physical activity, related to reversing the swelling process produced by overweight and obesity in the body, as well as, a balanced diet. Objective: Develop a nutritional and aerobic activity proposal in order to prevent and / or reverse the condition of overweight and obesity that occurs in adolescents enrolled in the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State - High School Huejutla campus. Methodology: Somatometric data was engaged in the population study which are included: Size, BMI, Waist Circumference, Arm Circumference. Subsequently, they were categorized according to the nutritional status of each individual and the proposal for a high diet in antioxidants. It was established with the purpose to reduce the level of oxidative stress and systemic inflammation to prevent future metabolic complications. Results: According to the categorization of adolescents with respect to the body mass index in percentiles, 6.6% (6) are underweight, 71.71 % (71) normal weight, 18.18 % (18) overweight, 4.4 % (4) in obesity. Conclusion: In the present study, several nutritional diets were developed, as well as an aerobic exercise plan to prevent and maintain the good development of adolescents enrolled in the ESH High school. It also emphasizes that prevention and good health of the entire population is very important, since today in Mexico and the world the main chronic degenerative diseases are caused by overweight and obesity.
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