Not all wise choices are modern nor all nonsense is ancient

  • Sergio Trevethan Cravioto Instituto Nacional de Cardiología
Keywords: technological advances, guides, algorithms in medicine


The development of science in the last three decades, and particularly in the domain of medicine, has been surprising and overwhelming. The result is there for all to see: life expectancy has increased at an unusual level for the first time in the history of humanity.


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Guadalajara Boo JF. La auscultación del corazón, un arte en vías de extinción. Gac. Med. Mex. 2015;151: 260-265.

How to Cite
Trevethan Cravioto , S. (2020). Not all wise choices are modern nor all nonsense is ancient. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 8(15), 1-2. Retrieved from

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