Smoking in adolescence and harm reduction model as an alternative intervention

Keywords: smoking, adolescence, harm reduction, model


Introduction: Smoking is one of the main public health problems in the world, due to the fact that every year more than eight million people die from tobacco use. During adolescence, three out of five tobacco users generate an addiction. Objective: To carry out a systematic review that allows to know the smoking phenomenon in adolescence and the efficacy of the harm reduction model for treatment for this population group. Method: A systematic bibliographic review was performed, searching the PubMed, Ebsco, Dialnet y ScienceDirect, Redalyc, as well as documents issued by public and governmental institutions and organizations. Consider these cases that report evidence of the effectiveness of the harm reduction model in treatment for tobacco use in adolescents, from the first investigations to the year 2020. Using the following keywords: smoking, adolescence, harm reduction.
Results: Of the 43 sources consulted, detect in PubMed (46%), EBSCO (11%), Dialnet (10%), ScienceDirect (7%), Redalyc (13%) and official pages (13%). Of the 13 peer-reviewed scientific articles that report evidence of the efficacy of the harm reduction model for the treatment of tobacco use in adolescents, nine conclude that this approach contributes to the treatment of adolescents who wish to stop using tobacco, while four Research affects that no changes are affected, and that this type of treatment may cause adverse effects. Conclusions: The harm reduction model as an intervention to reduce the risks of substance use, including tobacco, has shown favorable results, however, there is little research with adolescents who use tobacco that demonstrate the efficacy of said intervention.


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How to Cite
Barraza, B. E. (2021). Smoking in adolescence and harm reduction model as an alternative intervention. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 9(17), 3-9.