Activity of a psychologist in a Medical Specialties Unit: Ambulatory Center for the Prevention and Attention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.
Introduction: The attention provided at Medical Specialties Unit (UNEME), Ambulatory Center for the Prevention and Attention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (CAPASITS), the psychologist develops activities that strengthen the patients’ treatment, as a part of a multidisciplinary work. In this way, it becomes essential knowing the importance of the psychologist activities and how they get involved in the Public Health problems. Objective: To analyze the professional competencies that psychologists must possess and how they apply them in their activity at the UNEME CAPASITS Material and Methods: A descriptive bibliographic review was carried out. For the inclusion criteria, it was considered that they will report on: the development of professional skills of health psychologists, the activity of psychologists in public health institutions, development of professional skills of the psychologist and the objectives of health psychology. To search for information, the following keywords were used: health psychology, activity and professional skills. The bibliographic search was performed in the databases: EBSCO, ScienceDirect, Dialnet, PubMed, REdalyc, ResearchGate and pages from official sites: WHO and the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS. Results: From the analyzed information it was found that the professional competencies that the psychologist must possess in the field of health are focused on the management of preventive strategies, use of health technologies, creation of plans and programs to promote a healthy lifestyle, evaluation and treatment as well as collaborative work. Conclusions: The UNEMES CAPSITS require that psychologists possess competencies such as: communication, use of information and communication technologies (ICT), research, evaluation for treatment, monitoring and creation of clinical records, in addition to: research for health and the dissemination of the results, especially in the treatments.
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