Association between Dating Violence and Traditional Gender Roles in Mans
INTRODUCTION: The identification of violence inflicted by the intimate partner as a public health problem has shown a social, political and ideological advance. The aim of this paper was to investigate the relation between dating violence and gender roles in a male sample of Pachuca students. Literature has shown a strong relationship between gender roles at dating and violence inflicted by an intimate partner. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In order to find this association a correlational design was used. The scales used were: The Traditional Dating Roles Scale (alpha 0.96, 71.99% of explained variance) and the Dating Violence Instrument (alpha 0.90, 87% of explained variance) both created for Mexican population. The two scales were applied into a sample of 157 straight male participants (59 high school students and 98 university students). RESULTS: A high and negative association was found between Traditional Dating Roles (person, sexuality, active) and Dating Violence (verbal, blackmail, jealousy, control, social requirements, and humiliation). CONCLUSIONS: The stereotyped gender roles during dating have a positive aspect, for men, during dating relationships.
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