Diagnóstico prenatal de anomalías congénitas en la era de la cirugía fetal en México
The clinical utility of fetal ultrasound in the prenatal diagnosis of different congenital anomalies has been advancing towards better accuracy in recent years, mainly due to technological improvements in current ultrasound devices, and incorporation of formal programs for fetal ultrasound training by different international and national societies worldwide. A proportion of congenital malformations suitable for prenatal diagnosis, at risk of either intrauterine fetal demise or neonatal death if left untreated, have now the possibility to benefit fromfetal surgery in order to improve prognosis, leading to mandatory accurate prenatal diagnosis and timely referral to a fetal surgery center. However, despite fetal intervention, a higher neonatal mortality might be expected in fetuses with congenitalanomalies managed in countries like ours where termination of pregnancy is not allowed, suboptimal neonatal management due to limited neonatal intensive care unit capabilities, and the influence by social and economic factors.
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Cruz-Martinez R, López-Briones H, Luna-Garcia J, Martinez-Rodriguez M, Gamez-Varela A, Chavez-Gonzalez E, et al. Incidence and survival outcomes of monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome presenting without amniotic fluid discordance due to spontaneous septostomy and treated with fetoscopy. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 2020;submitted.
Cruz-Martinez R, Martinez-Rodriguez M, Gamez-Varela A, Nieto-Castro B, Luna-Garcia J, Juarez-Martinez I, et al. Survival outcomes in severe left diaphragmatic hernia with and without fetoscopic tracheal occlusion in a country with suboptimal neonatal management. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 2020.
Cruz-Martinez R, Nieto-Castro B, Martinez-Rodriguez M, Gamez-Varela A, Ahumada-Angulo E, Luna-Garcia J, et al. Thoracic Changes after Full Laser Ablation of the Feeding Artery in Fetuses with Bronchopulmonary Sequestration. Fetal Diagn. Ther. 2018;44(3):166-72.
Cruz-Martinez R, Mendez A, Duenas-Riano J, Ordorica-Flores R, Nieto-Zermeno J, Malagon-Salazar P, et al. Fetal laser surgery prevents fetal death and avoids the need for neonatal sequestrectomy in cases with bronchopulmonary sequestration. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 2015;46(5):627-8.
Cruz-Martinez R, Mendez A, Perez-Garcilita O, Monroy A, Aguilar-Vidales K, Cruz-Martinez MA, et al. Fetal bronchoscopy as a useful procedure in a case with prenatal diagnosis of congenital microcystic adenomatoid malformation. Fetal Diagn. Ther. 2015;37(1):75-80.
Cruz-Martinez R, Moreno-Alvarez O, Garcia M, Mendez A, Pineda H, Cruz-Martinez MA, et al. Fetal Endoscopic Tracheal Intubation: A New Fetoscopic Procedure to Ensure Extrauterine Tracheal Permeability in a Case with Congenital Cervical Teratoma. Fetal Diagn. Ther. 2015;38(2):154-8.
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