Dissolution capacity of orange and eucalyptus oils versus endodontic types of cement (in vitro study)

Keywords: Endodontic cement, eucalyptus oil, orange oil, solvents, solubility


Introduction: Endodontic retreatment seeks reentry to the root canal system to remove all filling material, identification and correction of pathological or iatrogenic defects. Objective: This study aimed to compare the dissolving capacity of eucalyptus oil, orange oil, and distilled water versus three types of endodontic cements. Materials and methods: Two hundred and four stainless steel molds were fabricated, where each cement sample was placed to the edge and left to set in the incubator, simulating normal oral conditions for 7 days. Subsequently, the solubility of each cement was analysed by immersing the samples in eucalyptus and orange oil for ten minutes in a static and ultrasonic environment. The solubility of the cement was evidenced by the difference between the weight before and after contact with the oils, data were statistically analysed with the ANOVA test and the post hoc Tukey bootstrap means test with 1,000 repetitions. Results: The control group and eucalyptus oil having no significant effect (p>0.05), the ultrasonic environment was found to be effective (p<0.05), whereas orange oil had better dissolution effects (p=0.004). Conclusions: The most susceptible cement was Sealapex, while the least soluble was MTA-Fillapex in all the solvents studied.


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How to Cite
Ulloa-Alvarez , S. M., Guerrero-Coello , M. E., & Torracchi-Carrasco , J. E. (2022). Dissolution capacity of orange and eucalyptus oils versus endodontic types of cement (in vitro study). Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 10(19), 29-33. https://doi.org/10.29057/mjmr.v10i19.7217

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