Benefits of e-commerce and social media for hotels in Latin America in 2019-2023

Keywords: E-commerce, social networks, hotels industry, Latin America


The aim of this article is to highlight the benefits provided by the use of electronic commerce through social networks, in the promotion of lodging businesses in Latin America, through a systematic review of literature. Secondly, to discover what research methodology authors used to access the proposed findings. The work demonstrates that the use of electronic commerce is a powerful tool to promote services and its effect overcomes the barriers imposed by disruptive events, such as the pandemic produced by the SARS COVID-19 virus, since, regardless of the events, they produced situations of social distancing and made it impossible to travel to other destinations. Therefore, the main contribution of this exercise is to demonstrate the importance of the use of electronic commerce and social networks in shaping potential users and carrying out international trade.


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How to Cite
Gómez Maldonado , T. A., & García Hernández, B. J. (2023). Benefits of e-commerce and social media for hotels in Latin America in 2019-2023. CaleidoscoPI, 1(1), 11-26. Retrieved from