The psychological approach to violence: its due assessment and consequences

Keywords: violence, treatment, victim, crime


Talking about violence is somewhat complex, since it is a multifactorial phenomenon. In this sense, for psychology, the diagnosis and predictability of the criminal's dangerousness is important for proper treatment, due to the importance of the study of violence. violence we will address the historical evolution that it has had, marked by different generations, where a significant growth has been appreciated in the way of evaluating psychological disorders, both the legal and clinical measures that they merit, so that violence generates consequences where they arise. the risk factors, having as a characteristic the evaluation of the bio-psycho-social-cultural conditions that constitute the root of psychological behavior, in addition to this, the care of the victim is essential to understand the direct and individual impact for adequate treatment.


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How to Cite
Yllanes Bautista, G. (2024). The psychological approach to violence: its due assessment and consequences. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 11(22), 37-43.