The importance and necessity of legal writing in the professional training of the Lawyer in the 21st century

Keywords: Legal writing, importance, necessity


Given the search for quality in the professional training of the lawyer, a significant part is undoubtedly made up of legal writing, since it is an important and necessary tool that will open the doors of success within their professional training, reading and writing adequately not only improve communication, but also as a means of written expression, to adequately convey ideas, principles of law, with respect for grammatical rules and good written argumentation, make it a valuable tool for lawyers in their daily work, where Undoubtedly, attention has been lost to this type of elements since they are key to adequately communicate not only with the parties but also with the judge himself.


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Dehesa G. (2010). Introducción a la retórica y argumentación, 6ª ed. Suprema Corte de Justicia

Escalante B. (2016). Curso de redacción para escritores y periodistas. México, Porrúa.

Lastra J. M. (2003). Derecho a la lengua y lenguaje jurídico, México, UNAM

Rodríguez I. (2018). Manual de redacción jurídica. México; Trillas

How to Cite
Yllanes Bautista, G. (2023). The importance and necessity of legal writing in the professional training of the Lawyer in the 21st century. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 10(20), 50-55.