Critical review Ovarimonio ¿Yo, guerrillera?

Keywords: Dirty War, Guerrilla, Social Movements, Student movements


The current text is a brief critical review of the work of Guadalupe Gladys López Hernández entitled “Ovarimonio ¿Yo, guerrillera?” In which she describes her experience in the prison of Santa Martha, accused of guerrilla in a historical period known as "Dirty War".

This book contains the testimony of the author and also accompanies an important photographic collection that becomes an important reference for scholars and interested in the subject.


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López. H.G, G. (2019) Ovarimonio ¿Yo, guerrillera? Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México.

How to Cite
Torres Alamilla, B. E. (2023). Critical review Ovarimonio ¿Yo, guerrillera?. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 11(Especial), 78-80.