About the mystery of the Holy Grail, a myth of redemption

Reflections on art, sensoriality and psychoanalysis

Keywords: myth, redemption, sensoriality, art, psychoanalysis, mystery, research, sacred


The myth of the Holy Grail has been normally associated to research, to spirituality, to salvation; in a single word: to redemption. What we propose to do, through these pages, is, although in a somewhat vertiginous way, to seek its origins, some aspects of the symbolic hermeneutics that have emerged from the speculation on this subject, to summarize two of its literary versions and an operatic one, and to skirt its phenomenal essence from a psychoanalytical reading. And, in the search for the myth of the Grail, it is likely that we will find our own Grail.



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How to Cite
Aranda Espinosa, F. (2024). About the mystery of the Holy Grail, a myth of redemption . MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 12(23), 56-60. https://doi.org/10.29057/ia.v12i23.11616