Spanish language and its board:

Koineization and development of the Spanish language in the Americas

Keywords: Koineization, Lexical, Strangeness, Integration, Spanish, Language, Transformation


This text discusses the integration of Spanish in America, which resulted in a multidirectional process and the concept of koineization, particularly during the sixteenth century. The Spanish language was influenced by various linguistic varieties of the Iberian Peninsula and the Amerindian peoples. This process has led to dialectal diversity in America, with notable influences from Andalusian speech. We debate here whether this influence is direct or parallel. The creation of a new lexicon in America was based on the incorporation of indigenous words, resulting in mixed words and a unique morphology. In contemporary Spanish, there is a concern for lexical evolution and the influence of Anglicisms, especially in technical and scientific fields. Despite this, some argue that Spanish's solid structure enables it to resist lexical invasion without losing its essence. Resistance to dialectal fragmentation is linked to cultural unity and leadership in technological and scientific innovation. The adaptation of foreign terms is considered inevitable as long as they do not occupy a prominent position in the creation of new concepts and technologies. This underscores the importance of innovation and creativity in linguistic evolution.


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-Henríquez, P. (1921). Observaciones sobre el español en América y otros estudios filológicos, Vol. 1 de Academia Argentina de Letras, Biblioteca de la Academia Argentina de Letras. Buenos Aires: Juan Carlos Ghiano.

-Moreno de Alba, José G. (1993). El español en América. Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

-Terradas, E. (2013). Neologismos, arcaísmos y sinónimos en pláticas de ingenieros, Boletín de información Lingüística de la Real Academia Española. Madrid: RAE.

How to Cite
Brand Galindo, A. (2024). Spanish language and its board:. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 12(24), 45-50.