Instrumental music teaching:

Towards a new socioformative and socioemotional profile of the instrument teacher

Keywords: teaching practices, instrumental training, socio-formative evaluation, metacognition, musical learning


Institutionalized music teaching at a higher level is inserted into general training dynamics that seem to aspire to a standardization of the training processes of a wide spectrum of disciplines and professional profiles. Although the prescriptions and specificities of an educational program are based on a study plan and programmatic content, there are nodal areas of disciplinary training that are rarely made explicit despite being part of the professional experience. That is why in this work we will analyze some practices in instrumental musical training considering the socio-formative evaluation and its implications for the comprehensive performance of students.

In this writing, we will address two of the moments that are rarely an explicit part of what is worked on in the classroom: the student's learning processes and the management of the performing experience. Likewise, we will exemplify these moments with some of the strategies developed by students of the doctorate in music as a result of the implementation of proposals resulting from the topics addressed in the teaching practices class.


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How to Cite
Flores, M. (2024). Instrumental music teaching: . MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 12(24), 19-24.