Graciana de Acuña and Jaso a criolla of noble birth

  • María Esther Pacheco-Medina Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Graciana, mayorazgo, family, legacy


Graciana de Acuña y Jaso, was a Creole woman of noble birth who lived at the beginning of the XVII century in Tulancingo, was the heir of the rich mayorazgo that her parents founded, Diego Suárez de Peredo and Doña María de Acuña and Jaso. He married very young with Don Luis de Vivero e Ircio, who would become the Second Count of the Orizaba Valley. They lived and formed a family in Tulancingo, a town where they left their mark. The family of Doña Graciana owned the house that would be known a century later as the famous tile house. This text explores the survivals of the presence of this woman in the Tulancingo Valley region.


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How to Cite
Pacheco-Medina, M. E. (2019). Graciana de Acuña and Jaso a criolla of noble birth. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 7(13), 1-10.