Virtual Gesture

  • Julieta Sánchez Hidalgo Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Sergio Garval, Painting, Artistic Gesture, Painting Genres


This essay conforms itself as an invitation for a phenomenological experience of Sergio Garval´s painting Medial Resurrection (2009) from de artistic and symbolic gesture perspective. A (trans)disciplinary and (trans)generic approach related to the After the end of art era (Danto, 2010) starting from a critic analysis as posthistoric painting enlarging its meaning. As the end of history has arrived and a soul way of explaining and chaining narratives as well, artists regain and integrate any discipline, artwork, style to its artistic discourse, in which not pure object exists (Danto, 2013). So, the discourse plastic (re)configurations live in a transmutable space, towards a meta-pictorial analysis as a analytic formal-narrative space (Sánchez-Hidalgo, 2010). The discourse and perceptive implication of gesture in pictorial image opens a contemporary interpretation opportunity of an artwork which dialogue with other disciplines as poetry, history, visual culture, cinema, besides other. While remaining easel painting.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Hernández, J. S. (2018). Virtual Gesture. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 6(12).