Discourses and Antecedents of the Feminist Portraits in Contemporary Art

  • Gabriela García Guerra Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Coral Revueltas Valle Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
Keywords: pictoric portrait, female portrait, feminism, art


Art has served as a tool to spread different philosophies and thoughts. At the beginning of the 21st century, feminism uses artistic portrait to make known gender inequality. The present essay contain two sections that explain how feminist thought and artistic portrait collaborate to criticize society. In the first section are mentioned the different approaches to art, the sum of the disciplines with which the works are supported for their conceptualization and the representation of the feminine paradigms. In the second, are mentioned examples of feminist discourses in the portraits for a denunciation to the contemporary world. In the last section, there is a reflection on how art with a critical content has the ability to direct viewers towards an understanding of equity and thereby carry out a cathartic act. On the other hand, the methodology is of a qualitative nature, that is to say, both the works and the theories were selected to sustain the work.


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How to Cite
García Guerra, G., & Revueltas Valle, C. (2020). Discourses and Antecedents of the Feminist Portraits in Contemporary Art. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 8(15), 71-77. https://doi.org/10.29057/ia.v8i15.3916