The Camelia district, the other Camelia. Carnival and migration

Keywords: carnival, migration, ritual, photography, visual sociology


This work responds at all times to the theoretical body to the methodological development based on Visual Sociology with personal interpretation variables, so this interpretative reading uses techniques of collection and information based on the photographic images that frame moments of the one experienced by the community of the neighborhood of Camelia located on the outskirts of the city of Pachuca Hidalgo on carnival days. This event allows the construction of photographic series as significant images by having the “see-not-see” game; where seeing allows access to veiled meanings, using the “sociological eye” (Miguel, 2003), it is the ritual characteristics that allow access to social and territorial dynamics, socio-territorial processes that are found as meanings in the series developed photographs that allow the reading of the forms of social organization.


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How to Cite
Santoyo Godinez , E. (2021). The Camelia district, the other Camelia. Carnival and migration. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 9(18), 17-19.