Symbolic dimensions inscribed in classical dance labour: experiences from the body of the dancer

Keywords: Ballet, Dance history, Dance labour, Embodied culture


The bodies of the dancers that move in the classical dance field are located in the intersection of the memory of the individual body and the collective body; in this network of fights between the self and the other, the research has set as general objective an approach to the field of classical dance towards the body of the dancer, in order to apprehend the meanings that are elaborated dialectally in the social phenomena of dance labour. In consideration of this prior ideas, the experiences of nine classical dancers in Mexico City were reconstructed, these experiences were weaved towards the theory, considering essentially two dimensions: habitus and field; the family, school and labour as institutions where the habitus of the subject is conformed, and the profession of the dancer, comprehend as the field. In this analysis several variables were recognized, such as process of constitution of the field, meaning of the body in classical dance, discipline and pain as symbols in the field, permanent vigilance over the body, among others; which combined can improve the understanding towards the matter of study.


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How to Cite
García-López , T. (2021). Symbolic dimensions inscribed in classical dance labour: experiences from the body of the dancer. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 9(17), 26-35.