The captives of two mexican painters: Rosa Rolanda and María Izquierdo

Keywords: Painters, women, subjectivity, self-portraits, captivity


The objective of this essay is to relate the category of captivity of women with art and to demonstrate how, through artistic expressions, two women painters Mexicans capture the way of feeling in the world as artists and as sensitive human beings, but also the feeling of the women that society has taught them to be, captive in ways of being. For this, first, the approach of the anthropologist Marcela Lagarde will be presented regarding the captivity of women, which in her opinion are: Mother-Wife, Crazy, Imprisoned Woman, Hooker and Nun. Afterwards, the portraits of each of the chosen painters, Rosa Rolanda and María Izquierdo, will be presented. It will continue with the description of two works that have been considered significant in his career, the first the self-portrait painted in 1952 and the second "Dreams and hunches", created in 1947. After offering details of the chosen paintings, it will be done a relationship between them with the captivities of women, since we consider that, when applying this category to a work of art, it can be seen that each of the painters, in addition to expressing representations of human thought in general, build a mirror that reveals them as women.


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How to Cite
Hernández Carballido, E. L. (2021). The captives of two mexican painters: Rosa Rolanda and María Izquierdo. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 9(18), 52-58.