The evaluation of teaching choral singing from the perspective of MUM

  • Alicia Jiménez González Benemerita Autonomous University of Puebla
Keywords: Choral Ensembles, Choir, Syllabus, Educative Model, Music evaluation, Academic Evaluation, High Education


This article has the purpose of explaining, through an examination process, the similarities and differences between the University Model Minerva (MUM for its initials in spanish) of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla with the curricula of the subjects of Choral Ensembles and Choir of the educational programs for the Technical Degree in music from the same institution. The research took into account four of the six keystones: Human and Social Training; Development of Thinking Skills; Development in the use of the Technology, Information and Communication; and Foreign Language. Along with the teaching practice and the contents and objectives of the programs, these keystones encourage the knowledge, skills and values ​​needed for comprehensive and appropriate training of students. The article includes a description of the context and conceptual and methodological aspects; as well as the evaluation of the object of study, results and conclusions.


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BUAP (2007). Documento de Integración 1. BUAP: México.

BUAP (2007). Estructura Curricular 3. BUAP: México.

BUAP (2007). Fundamentos. Modelo Universitario 1. BUAP: México.

BUAP (2007). Integración Social 4. BUAP: México.

BUAP (2007). Modelo Educativo Académico 2. BUAP: México.

BUAP (2015). Misión, visión y objetivos de la BUAP. Recuperado de

How to Cite
Jiménez González, A. (2021). The evaluation of teaching choral singing from the perspective of MUM. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 9(18), 44-51.