Paula Herrera interview: experimental folk dance

Keywords: Experimental Folk, Mexican Folk, Mexican Dances, dance, fine arts


Experimental folklore is an aspect of Mexican dance that has been present on the stage since the mid-eighties, fusing the dance technique of Mexican folklore with contemporary expressions of various fine arts to present to an audience current social issues with soli argument, thus presenting the Mexico of today, from the perspective and opinion of the different scenic creators.

Danzariega is a group of women, under the direction of Paula Herrera, who define themselves as dancers who stomp the experience of inhabiting contemporaneity.

From the poin of view of Paula Herrera, with more than 20 years of uninterrupted career, she will share us about the way in which they apply experimental folklore to the scene.


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Herrera, P. (ferransaavedra)(2021,01,25) EntrevistaPaulaHerreraFolkloreExperimental.(archivo de video) Recuperado de

How to Cite
Saavedra, J. (2021). Paula Herrera interview: experimental folk dance. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 9(18), 73-77.