The Syllabus tool in the teaching planning of the subjects of the Bachelor of Music of the UAEH

Keywords: Music, curriculum, design, education, teaching, planning


This work exposes the use that the tool called Syllabus has had, within the planning of teaching activities in the subjects that make up the program of the Bachelor of Music of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. It narrates its scope, implications and achievements since its implementation.

The Syllabus tool is part of the System for the Administration of Educational Programs (SISAPE) of the UAEH. This system makes it possible to provide the necessary information in a precise and up-to-date manner that is used for making relevant decisions by the university authorities and the coordinators of educational programs with the aim that the educational programs offered at the University are duly aligned with the institutional policies and quality standards required by national and international evaluation agencies.

Syllabus is a tool that allows the strategic planning of time and teaching tools, with which the teacher can correctly meet the objectives of the subject he teaches. Its purpose is to be able to manage through electronic means the teaching-learning processes of the subjects registered in the SISAPE belonging to the programs designed and redesigned in accordance with the Educational Model of the UAEH of 2005.

The Bachelor of Music program makes use of this tool to systematically follow the activities related to the planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback of the classes that are taught in the educational program. Its implementation has led to critical reflection by teachers on their role as facilitators of knowledge and the adaptation of different teaching strategies to achieve true significant learning in students.


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UAEH. (2014). Manual de Syllabus. México:UAEH.

How to Cite
Reyes Moreno, Y. (2022). The Syllabus tool in the teaching planning of the subjects of the Bachelor of Music of the UAEH. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(20), 72-76.