Preliminary analysis of Na^+and K^+ reduction and supply of Mg^(2+) and Ca^(2+) in wastewater

Keywords: Clinoptilolite, removal, wastewater, irrigation water, Hidalgo, drip system


The purpose of this work is to analyze the graph obtained with the data acquired by means of the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP - OES) analysis technique, in order to indicate the flow velocity parameter, suitable for the greater removal of the  ion contained in irrigation wastewater, belonging to the municipality of Tilcuautla, Hidalgo, as well as, in that same parameter, the greater concentration in the resulting flow of ,  and  ions. For this, a clinoptilolite type natural zeolite was used as an ion exchange agent, which was processed with , and was placed in an experimental drip system, at laboratory level, which is based on a method similar to the column method, which is widely used for water treatment, with the difference that this system was performed with a separating funnel and at three different flow rates: 7.8mL/min, 12.5mL/min and 100mL/min. The results indicated that the adequate experimental parameter for the established purpose is 12.5 mL/min, since it eliminates approximately 39% of , which causes damage to both the plants and the substrate, in addition, it provides the resulting fluid with 84% and 9% of  and  ions, respectively, which benefit the plant. However, the concentration of the  ion in this parameter decreased by approximately 40%.


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How to Cite
Paderco-Mendoza, J. M., Legorreta-García, F., Pérez-González, N. K., & Díaz-Guzmán, D. (2023). Preliminary analysis of Na^+and K^+ reduction and supply of Mg^(2+) and Ca^(2+) in wastewater. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(20), 141-144.